POSTED UNDER Air, Cat, Garden

Feet in the Soil

Color of the day:  Yellow
Incense of the day:  Honeysuckle
This unique working makes use of the Witch's famous conical hat. If you don't own one, feel free to buy a pointy hat that calls to you(they're readily available at this time of year).
In the dead of night, put on some comfortable black clothing and journey to a natural, quiet outdoor location where you won't be disturbed. Bring with you two large tree branches that you have discovered fallen in nature. Also bring a little spade or garden shovel, as well as a folding chair.
When you arrive in your chosen spot, dig a hole in the soil and cover your feet. Wear your conical hat and, sitting in the chair, hold the branches high above you, with one in each hand.
Feel yourself "becoming" a tree. Contemplate the cycle of carbon and oxygen, photosynthesis, and the life cycle of the tree. Visualize the power entering you through the branches, your feet, and the conical hat. When you feel deeply grounded and connected, disassemble the scene and note any mystical sensations.
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About Raven Digitalis
Raven Digitalis (Hawaii/Montana) is the author of The Empath's Oracle, The Everyday Empath, Esoteric Empathy, Shadow Magick Compendium, Planetary Spells & Rituals and Goth Craft. Originally trained in Georgian Witchcraft, Raven has been an earth-based practitioner since 1999, a Priest since ...
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