POSTED UNDER Air, Earth, Water

Spell for Runic Work

Color of the day:  White
Incense of the day:  Clove
This day marks a Nordic festival celebrating the discovery of the runes. If you use runes, this is the perfect day to divine meaning from them, or to begin such a discipline in your magical practice. You may purchase runes or make them yourself.
To get them ready for divination, you can bless them with the elements: air, fire, water, and earth. Combine air and fire by lighting some loose incense on a charcoal block, and pass the bag of runes through the incense smoke. Combine water and earth by making saltwater, and sprinkle this lightly on the runes to cleanse them.
Place the runes in a dish on your altar, perhaps positioning them near other items charged for your magical work such as tarot cards, crystals, or jewelry. Let the runes remain upon your altar all night, then use them the next morning to do some divination work.
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About Peg Aloi
Peg Aloi is a freelance writer, film critic, and media studies scholar. Her anthology New Generation Witches (Ashgate Press 2008), co-edited with Hannah Johnston, explores the world of teenage witchcraft. She teaches media studies at the College of Saint Rose, and has been a consultant on a number ...
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