POSTED UNDER Business, Family, Friends, AND MORE

Finding Partnership

Color of the day:  White
Incense of the day:  Cypress
"No man is an island," or so the saying goes. We all must enter into various partnerships in our lives, be they with friends, business associates, family members, or lovers. This spell will help you find the partnership that is right for you.
On one side of a fresh sheet of paper, list all the qualities you're looking for in a partner. The pen color should reflect the type of partnership you seek: red for love, orange for business, green for family, and yellow for friendship. On the other side of the paper, write all the qualities you will bring to the partnership. Make sure these lists are balanced, so that the relationship the spell draws will be equally balanced.
Roll the paper into a tube, and tie it with a ribbon of the appropriate color. Place the tied paper on your altar for a moon cycle, then burn it.
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