Messages to the Gods

Color of the day:  Topaz
Incense of the day:  Honeysuckle
Iris was a Greek goddess associated with the rainbow, as she provides a link between the realms of the sea and the sky. She was also a messenger goddess because of her ability to bridge the realms. She is an excellent choice to work with if there is a message you need help conveying. She can also take messages beyond the mortal realm. When a rainbow is present, or through the use of a prism, you can petition her help. Write your request on a piece of parchment. Then either while looking at a rainbow in the distance or while holding your prism, recite the following lines:

"Iris, goddess of communication, hear my need.
Make haste and carry it with all due speed.
Let the one that is meant to hear
Be receptive to my message with an open ear."
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