A Money Spell

Color of the day:  White
Incense of the day:  Ylang-ylang
For this spell, you will need a green candle, a silver coin, and some moss-sphagnum moss from a garden center will do. Place the candle near the foot of the bath. Light the candle, and then fill the bath. Place the silver coin in your bath, and climb in. Submerge yourself in the water, and as you do, imagine yourself being covered with money luck. Emerge from the water, and say:

"Silver coin that covers me,
Bless my life abundantly."

Do this three times. Don't use this bath for bathing-you don't want to wash the money spell away! If you can air-dry, great; if not, gently pat (don't rub) yourself dry, perhaps with a green towel. Put the coin on the sphagnum moss, and place this with the candle on your altar or other personal space. It's best if you can let the candle burn down on its own, but if you can't, then pinch or snuff it out-don't blow it! If you can wait until the candle has burned out before draining the bath, so much the better.
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