Full Moon Spell for Health

Color of the day:  Indigo
Incense of the day:  Patchouli
After the holidays, when we tend to overindulge, we often strive to adopt a new health regimen. We can use the powerful energy that leads up to the full moon to begin new habits. Our physical vitality is very apparent at this time, and it is believed that our body's powers of absorption are at their strongest during the full moon.
On this day, eat lightly and only consume healthy, nourishing foods. When evening falls and the moon begins to rise, find a place where you can see the full moon in the sky (if it's cloudy, face the direction where the moon is rising). Picture the light of the moon glowing, and picture yourself glowing with health. Put some fresh fruit juice in a goblet, lift it to the moon, and drink it, saying:

"I drink to my health and well-being.
I drink in the full moon's energy.
I allow this energy to strengthen my resolve.
I absorb health and vitality from my food."

Do this spell as a reminder on each full moon to help you maintain healthy habits. Harness that potent full-moon energy to strengthen your resolve.
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About Peg Aloi
Peg Aloi is a freelance writer, film critic, and media studies scholar. Her anthology New Generation Witches (Ashgate Press 2008), co-edited with Hannah Johnston, explores the world of teenage witchcraft. She teaches media studies at the College of Saint Rose, and has been a consultant on a number ...
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