POSTED UNDER Blessing, Earth, Home, AND MORE

Kitchen Blessing

Color of the day:  Silver
Incense of the day:  Hyssop
The hearth is the heart of the home, and throughout winter, it is a central place of comfort, nurturance, and gathering. Today, bless your hearth-bless your kitchen. Gather sage, matches, and a small sweet treat. In a fireproof container, light the sage, creating smoke. Gently fan it throughout your kitchen. As you smudge, say:

"Smoke, gather, and purify, cleaning this space."

Open the window or door. Lean out and let the smoke rise up to the sky:

"Carry my blessings to the heavens."

Moving back indoors, smudge your stove, the heart of the kitchen:

"Bless this kitchen and all who are nourished here."

Eat the sweet treat, extinguish the smudge pot, and intone:

"May this hearth nourish us and feed our spirits. Indeed, life is sweet."
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