POSTED UNDER Cat, Earth, Spring

Imbolc Fertility Spell

If you're hoping to conceive during the spring sabbats, start preparing yourself with fertility magic at Imbolc by making a talisman. Grind the following ingredients with mortar and pestle as you visualize your (or your partner's) pregnancy:
4 parts seeds of any kind
1 part wheat
1/4 part rice
2 parts bistort
Handful of nuts
Tie the powder up in a small bag and carry it with you until you conceive. Afterwards, scatter the contents over the face of Mother Earth as you offer her your thanks.
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About Edain McCoy
Edain became a self-initiated Witch in 1981 and was an active part of the Pagan community since her formal initiation into a large San Antonio coven in 1983. Edain had researched alternative spiritualities since her teens, when she was first introduced to Kabbalah. Since that time, she studied a ...
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