The Healthy Body Beauty Spell

Color of the day:  Coral
Incense of the day:  Orchid
Beauty is only skin deep, so some say, but real beauty comes from within.
Treating yourself well is a good start toward a healthy body. Nutritious foods, lots of water, fresh air, and sunshine are starters. Get out and get physical to keep your whole body healthy. Be sure to see the doctor once a year to keep that body in perfect running condition.
Feed your mind good books, and keep your inner child fed with entertainment. You can also find study courses for free from wellknown learning institutions online.
Finally, feed the soul. Spend some time nurturing your spirituality. I recommend doing this daily, but once a week can be a start. A simple meditation for a couple of minutes can restore some inner peace, and it can help relieve that stress you feel at the end of the day.
Take care of the things that matter, and your inner beauty will shine through.
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