A Thunderstorm Spell

Color of the day:  White
Incense of the day:  Basil
A July thunderstorm is awesome. The thunder, lightning, and rain can be a dramatic spectacle, but thunderstorms also have a cleansing effect. They clear away dust, heat, and humidity.
Magically, we can use the power of a thunderstorm to cleanse our living space. For this spell, you'll need your magic broom. If you see a storm approaching, open your windows and doors, and see and feel any dark energy in your home breaking up until it has no power. See it being blown or drawn out of every window or door.
Now take your broom, and sweep vigorously out your front door and away from your home. Do the same at the back door. If possible, catch a few raindrops in your hand, and anoint your front and back thresholds. If safety is an issue, close your windows and doors. Then after the storm, open up your house again.
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