Freeze Out the Arrogance

Color of the day:  Maroon
Incense of the day:  Ylang-ylang
Any of us can suffer from arrogance in one form or another.
Use this super-easy spell to help you banish some of it from your life, but remember, the spell is only part of the process.
You will need one of the jacks found in the child's game, which can be found cheaply at most dollar stores. With focused intention, toss the jack into a small freezer-safe container. Fill the container with water and place in the freezer, imagining the negativity that comes with arrogance going into the container with the water. After it freezes, remove from the container and place outside somewhere away from your living space, then let the sun work its wonders. Make sure to put it somewhere safe from getting stepped on, since toy jacks aren't nice to foot bottoms.
Walk away and it is done.
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