Opposite Day Trait Exchange

Color of the day:  Amber
Incense of the day:  Eucalyptus
Today is Opposite Day. This is a modern holiday, but it ties into many historical equivalents that celebrate the antics of various Trickster figures. It is customarily observed by saying the opposite of what you mean.
However, actions speak louder than words. The contrary energy of this holiday may be harnessed for changing personality traits. If you are typically hurried, try being patient. If you are often angry, act calm. If you're a pushover, be assertive for a day. Break a bad habit. See how it works for you.
Here is a charm for you to say as you begin:

"Hello is goodbye, goodbye is hello.
Tell your bad habits and traits where
to go.
As down becomes up, and up becomes
You try something new all over the
Now cold into hot and hot into cold,
Show what to let go and what you may
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