Get Things Moving Spell

Color of the day:  Coral
Incense of the day:  Alder
Is your spellwork taking longer than you'd like? Then let's get things moving! All you'll need is your cauldron, a rock about the size of your fist, and water.
Fill your cauldron with water, and stir three times with your hand. Next drop the rock into the cauldron-the rock represents any blockages that may be holding your spell back. Once again, stir the water as you say three times:

"Things are moving,
Things are flowing.
The wait is over,
My wish is here."

Take your cauldron outside. Hold your cauldron with both hands, and swirl the water and rock around. Visualize the spell coming to fruition. End by pouring the rock and water on the ground. Walk away.
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