POSTED UNDER Charm, Winter

A Holiday Card Spell

Color of the day:  Ivory
Incense of the day:  Rosemary
The winter holiday season brings an annual surge in mail, both postal and electronic. People send a great many holiday cards to each other-but not all of the cards arrive safely. The mail slows down under the stress of extra traffic. Sometimes things get lost in transit.
This spell focuses on protecting holiday cards so they reach their intended recipients. You'll need a canceled postage stamp, preferably one with a holiday theme. Draw a pentacle over the stamp, charging it with these words:

"Stamp and star,
Here you are,
Safely through the mail.
Let each card
Fly so hard,
Landing without fail."

Keep the stamp charm in the basket, tray, or other place you use to store mail. It will help your cards to arrive intact, coming and going.
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