Powers of Seduction and Sensuality

Color of the day:  Gray
Incense of the day:  Narcissus
Water is an element that can invoke and evoke the most sensuous and seductive forces within and without.
Ground, center, and align. Sit in still meditation as you hold a glass of fresh water before you in your hands. Begin to raise the life force and channel it into the water, and let your imagination run wild with the full flourishing of your own powers of seduction and sensuality. Go for it! This gift is yours to yourself! When you feel the peak of power, drink in the water.
It is done!
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About Gede Parma
Gede Parma (Fio Aengus) is a Balinese-Australian witch, international teacher, magical mentor, author, and initiate. Gede (they/them pronouns) cherishes the initiatory mysteries of four powerful witchcraft traditions, and is a co-founder of the Coven of the Wildwood and midwife and initiate of ...
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