POSTED UNDER Blessing, Home, Peace, AND MORE

Spiritual Housecleaning Spell

The spiritual aspects of cleaning house are often used by the practitioner of Voodoo or Santeria. In botanicas, you will find many floorwashes, powders for sweeping, room sprays, and cleaning products with names like "House Blessing" and "Peaceful Home." These products are safe for home use and are recommended, but you can make your own. On a Saturday, put a few drops of essential oil of patchouli, cedarwood, and sandalwood into water. Cedarwood has the added benefit of repelling moths; cedar shavings can be hung in muslin bags in closets, or crushed cedar shavings can be spread on the carpeting before vacuuming. To attract blessings, mop or wash in a deosil fashion. To dispel negativity, clean in a widdershins direction. A general "House Blessing"-smudging of the house with cedar, sage, or sweetgrass-is recommended once a month as well.
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