The Energy Within

Color of the day:  Black
Incense of the day:  Rue
Winter is the season of rest, when all the energy of Earth is held within and below, rather than expressed outwardly in green life. The world lies still and quiet beneath a blanket of snow, the trees bare, the animals hidden. Its power pools unseen.
This spell draws on that hidden energy. You will need an image of a bare winter tree, and a mirror-dark if you have it, though plain will work. Set the tree above the mirror to reflect as if in a pond. Imagine feeling the strength of elemental earth. Tap your fingers on the mirror and say:

"Still water, silent ice,
Come knocking, once and twice.
Rapping, tapping, a sound
Of hidden power found."

Whenever you need to access the power of Earth, repeat tapping the mirror.
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