Quiet of the Year

Color of the day:  Pink
Incense of the day:  Rose
One of the great pleasures of the deep winter for many people is the quiet and rest, especially before dawn. Today find a way to re-create that in your daily life. You might simply take a walk outside, if you're awake before dawn. But if not, create a little space of quiet. An eyemask and some headphones can create a wonderful meditation moment, even if your household is busy. Consider turning off the lights in your room a few minutes earlier, and resting in the dark, just listening.
Wherever you find your quiet in the dark, recite this chant to yourself:

"Down in the darkness, I hear a silence.
Down in that silence, I hear a name."

Repeat the chant, letting the rhythm build in your mind to overflowing before it falls to silence. Listen in the dark to what was named, and what that name means to you.
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