POSTED UNDER Bath, Home, Winter

Sadie, Goddess of Bargain Shoppers

Color of the day:  Red
Incense of the day:  Cedar
Last-minute holiday shopping got you in a panic? Need the perfect gift, a special toy or just the right something for someone special?
Look for Sadie! She is that short, stout lady in the gray winter coat with a purple scarf carrying shopping bags filled to the top with treasures. Once you spot her, follow her through the store-she will stop at the priced-right bargain bins, closeout shelves, and treasure racks. You will find the perfect gift for that someone special for whom you forgot to shop or couldn't find the right gift. Don't worry; she will wait for you, leading you around the stores till your list is complete! Later at home make an offering of a glass of port or sherry and a foot bath for the goddess of discount shopping.
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