POSTED UNDER Bath, Moon, Water

Magical Water Cleanse

Color of the day:  Indigo
Incense of the day:  Patchouli
To cleanse your body after this month's excesses, and steady yourself for a healthy holiday season, perform this proactive holiday health and weight-loss ritual.
Begin with a warm bath in the morning, into which you have dissolved one cup of sea salt. Soak for at least forty minutes. Throughout the day (and during your bath), drink at least half your body weight in ounces of pure water, being sure to bless it and visualize white light in and around it before you drink. After dark, light a candle on your altar and diffuse essential oil of lemon. Hold a moonstone to your heart, close your eyes, and chant:

"As this moon doth now disperse,
All excesses now reverse.
As lunar glow wanes in the night,
My weight and spirit now grow light."

For the next three days, keep the moonstone close and continue to drink water as recommended above.
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About Tess Whitehurst
Tess Whitehurst (Boulder, CO) is an intuitive counselor, energy worker, feng shui consultant, and speaker. She has appeared on the Bravo TV show Flipping Out and her writing has been featured in such places as Writer's Digest, Llewellyn's annuals, and Spirit and Destiny magazine. She is also the ...
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