POSTED UNDER Spring, Water, Wind

Cleansing Spell

Color of the day:  Yellow
Incense of the day:  Juniper
Today is the Fontus Festival, the Roman celebration of the god of wells and springs. This day is highly beneficial for clearing and cleaning negative thoughts and emotions.
In the morning, fill a two-liter glass container with filtered water. Place a silk scarf over the bowl and set it in a window. Place both hands over the silk and repeat three times:

"With this water I cleanse my heart, my mind, my body, my soul. Every drop I drink dispels the darkness and restores health and happiness. I am clean and bright."

Move the bowl to the refrigerator and drink throughout the day, repeating the incantation over every glass. When you reach the bottom of the bowl, repeat the following three times:

"I am clean and bright, a shining light. My heart is pure, my soul is right. My body's health is now restored. Thank you, water, for this and more."
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