POSTED UNDER Friends, Home, Love

Symbols on a Page

Color of the day:  Topaz
Incense of the day:  Marjoram
Many people use a physical altar to focus their intentions and ideas, but a physical altar isn't always convenient. Today take some time to draw a representation of what you want your life to become more like.
You might include images of home, work, time with friends, your spiritual community, or your loved ones. Stick figures are just fine - you don't need to be a great artist!
You might draw scenes, or you might draw symbols (hearts, stars, spirals, waves, clouds, musical notes, lines and circles) connecting individual figures or shapes. Whatever you choose, include colors that make these things feel real to you and that help you connect them to you and the life you're creating.
When you're done, spend a few minutes imagining yourself walking through what you've drawn, interacting with each symbol, image, or figure. Finish by breathing softly across the paper, giving life to the intent.
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