POSTED UNDER Cat, Peace, Protection

Protection Spell for Private Use

Color of the day:  Blue
Incense of the day:  Ivy
If you feel that someone is directing negative energy at you, call for peace from the quarters. You can do this with or without a wand.
The most generic way to achieve protection is to face east and say:

"Let there be peace in the east."

Turn clockwise to the south, west, and north, repeating your call for peace. When you have called all the quarters, return to east and say:

"Let peace surround me."


"May there be peace throughout the world."

During peace meditations it is important not to let hard feelings or anger muddy your intentions. Protection spells will NOT work if you are agitated when you undertake them. If you are in an angry frame of mind, take three deep, grounding breaths before beginning.
This spell can be done indoors, preferably at an altar, or outside. Let your deities guide you as to location, and do not be influenced by the weather. Powerful work can be done when the elements are at their worst.
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