POSTED UNDER Home, Love, Yule

A Spell for the Lonely

Color of the day:  Yellow
Incense of the day:  Lavender
During the excitement of the holiday season it's easy to forget that many people find this to be the loneliest time of the year. To help someone cope with loneliness and depression during the Yuletide season, say words of power and ask that you'll find an appropriate way to bring cheer to someone in need. Think of people you may help. Do you know someone who has suffered the loss of a loved one, is recently divorced, or is unemployed? Instead of buying them a gift, invite them to take part in one of your holiday activities. Perhaps you could ask them over for an afternoon of holiday cooking or baking. Or, just invite them for tea and conversation. If you know someone who's ill, offer to do some of their holiday shopping, decorate their home, wrap their gifts, or just visit. Whatever you do, your actions will create good karma, which helps everyone.
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