Divination by MP3 Player

Color of the day:  White
Incense of the day:  Clary Sage
Since many forms of divination rely on random chance, here's a twenty-first century method. Get your MP3 player, and choose songs for a new playlist. You could choose twenty-two songs to represent the major arcana of the tarot; or if you are really ambitious, seventy-eight for the whole deck. Or you could choose sixty-four for the hexagrams of the I Ching. Or just choose a range of songs that have some special meaning for you, and set up the playlist. Set your player on "shuffle." Think about the questions very clearly. It may help to say your question out loud a few times, or even write it down. Then, press play and see what song comes up. Listen to the entire song, paying attention to what it has to say to you. When it's over, stop the player, and think about what you have just heard. If you wish to use more than one song for a "reading" it may help to write down the titles, of the songs that have played, and imagine them laid out like a card layout or other reading display. Interpret the songs to obtain your answer.
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