POSTED UNDER Blessing, Garden, Love, AND MORE

Larkspur Full Moon Spell

Color of the day:  Maroon
Incense of the day:  Ginger
The larkspur, also known as the delphinium, is sacred to Venus, as are most blue flowers. It is often used in flower fascinations for love and protection. This flower can be readily found at the florist if you have trouble growing it in your own gardens.
Here is a Full Moon spell for you. Slip three gorgeous stalks of blue delphinium into a water-filled vase and enjoy their scent and their magic. Light three white candles for the three faces of the Goddess, and say:

Larkspur, by your magic a loving spell I do now weave,

Under the Full Moon tonight and by the power of three.

May I be surrounded by the joy and strength of love,

While the Lady shines down her blessings from up above.

May I know your blessings and accept your lessons true,

Guide and watch over my magic in all that I do.

Allow the candles to burn out in a safe place. Permit the flowers to fade. The magic will continue as long as your flowers hold. Then return the spent flowers neatly to nature.
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About Ellen Dugan
Ellen Dugan is the award-winning author of fifteen books, and is known as the "Garden Witch". A psychic-clairvoyant, she has been a practicing Witch for over thirty years. Well known for her candor and humor, she is a Master Gardener, and is the High Priestess of her Coven in the St. Louis area. ...
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