POSTED UNDER Moon, Success

Awaken Goodness

Color of the day:  Coral
Incense of the day:  Vanilla
Today is Good Friday in the Christian faith, and also a Full Moon that is known by many names. The April Full moon was called Seed Moon in Medieval England, Planter's Moon in Colonial American, and Peony Moon in China. The Celts called it Growing Moon, and Neopagans know it as Awakening Moon. Combining these popular meanings, Cast a spell for "awakening goodness: with the full energy of the Moon.
Take a sheet of paper, and quickly write the numbers one through ten on the left side. Just as quickly, write down ten good things in your life.
These can be people, places, things, thoughts, or practices. The trick is to not hesitate or think, simply free associate and write down what comes to your mind. By writing these down you have successfully worked awakening magic. By moving energy from within yourself to create positive change, you have shifted your focus to the good.
Manifest goodness on the physical plane and make it real, by taking action. Choose one person, place, thing, thought, or practice from your list, and take time to visit, call, practice, or honor it (or them). We awaken goodness all around us by consciously practicing gratitude for what is good in life.
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