POSTED UNDER Passion, Peace, Prosperity, AND MORE

Rama Navani

Color of the day:  Gold
Incense of the day:  Eucalyptus
April Fools' Day - Palm Sunday

Today is Rama Navani, a Hindu festival celebrating the birth of Rama, an incarnation of Vishnu. People celebrate it with recitals, chanting, and music, and by lighting lamps at shrines and temples. In some places, parades carry images of Rama through the streets.
Rama is known as the lord of self-control, or lord of virtue. He represents adherence to right behavior even in the face of adversity. As a ruler, he governs with peace, prosperity, and justice. These qualities attract his followers, such as Hanuman the Monkey King. For people in leadership roles, Rama offers guidance in meeting duty with courage and compassion. For others, he represents devotion and loyalty.
Reading about his adventures is a good way to explore self-descipline and fulfillment. This god can also help break bad habits or anything else that stands in the way of meeting your responsibilities.
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