POSTED UNDER Prosperity, Water, Wealth

Hand-Wash Money Spell

Color of the day:  Green
Incense of the day:  Jasmine
Make an infusion of dried basil leaves by wrapping them in cheesebloth and steeping like tea in boiling water. Allow the basil-infused water to cool, then pour it into a basin or bowl. Wash your hands with this water as you visualize prosperity as needed in your life. Chant the following:

Basil bring properity -
Wealth, abundance,
Grant to me.
HJelp me in my time of need,
With harm to none so mote it be.

You may store this basil rinse for several days and repeat the washing until you have used all the water. Dispose of the herbs in your yard or compost bin.
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About Ember Grant
Ember Grant is a full-time English professor and teaches writing, poetry, and literature. She has been writing for Llewellyn for more than twenty years and is the author of numerous articles and four books: Mythology for a Magical Life, The Book of Crystal Spells, The Second Book of Crystal Spells, ...
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