Take Action

Color of the day:  Scarlet
Incense of the day:  Ylang-ylang
Mars's energy of adventure, competition, action, and strength rules on Tuesday. Take action today toward what you want to become, and set into motion your plans and dreams. Enjoy longer, faster walks outside as the days lengthen.
While you walk, feel the strength of your body, heart, and lungs. Breathe deeply and be inspired to pursue what you want, and with each step know that you move ever closer.
What seeds do you want to plant within?
Chant as you walk:

with each step, I plant the seeds,
With each breath, my passion freed,
With each moment, I cultivate change,
My life in joy I rearrange.

As you walk, you will notice an energy shift, and you will feel uplifted, inspired, and ready to pursue your dreams.
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