Hospitality and Healing

Color of the day:  Blue
Incense of the day:  Magnolia
This is a holy day in the Catholic Church honoring the martyrdom of Saint Meinrad of Einsiedeln. Clubbed to death by thieves wishing to steal pilgrims' offerings at the altar, Meinrad is remembered as the saint of hospitality. The church is also home to a beautiful Black Madonna, a miracle worker and healer.
As you begin your day, consider ways that you might offer shelter and hospitality to others, perhaps bringing needed healing and comfort to someone. Share a meal with a homeless person, pray in someone else's temple and leave offerings, or simply open to the miracles present in each moment and honor life as you live it. You might speak this prayer to the Divine Mother for her guidance as you seek to align yourself with the energies of openheartedness and service to others that this day inspires:

Black Goddess,
I witness so much suffering in the world,
Let me be a refuge to someone in need today.
Guide me as I open myself to the possibilities for healing I can offer and for love I can give.
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