Spell for house Cleaning

Color of the day:  Green
Incense of the day:  Jasmine
With the Moon waning in Virgo, this is an excellent time to do house cleaning. If your tree is still up, maybe it's time to put away the ornaments and take down the tree. The holidays can be a stressful time, so banishing first is a good idea.
Take a container of water, and stir in a pinch of salt, saying,

Element of Earth, cleanse and purify this water,
so that it may cleanse and purify my house.

Sprinkle water at the four directions in your home, or in the main room if you prefer, banishing any bad vibes that have accumulated. If you have a real tree, take it down, and send all the accumulated stress of the holidays into it. Burn it if possible, or take it to the curb and whisper thanks to the tree. Then, let all bad vibes go out with it.
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