Virgo Energy Spell

The ultimate fixer, Virgo uses the ability to discern and analyze to solve any problem. To tap into Virgo energy, on any Wednesday find an unused check register. On the first page, list your ancestors. On the next page, write the current date in the "date" column. State your dilemma in the "description of transaction" column. Under the "balance" column write your hoped-for solution. On the front of the transaction register, draw the symbol for Mercury (O) and the symbol for Virgo (f). Wrap a rubber band around the register and snap it three times, repeating your desires. Each day, write down the mundane steps you have taken to solve the problem. Remember to wrap the rubber band around the register when you are finished, and snap the band three times. When your problem is solved you should bury the register in your back yard.
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Link to this spell: http://www.llewellyn.com/spell.php?spell_id=468