Remove Negativity

Color of the day:  Turquoise
Incense of the day:  Apricot
This spell uses the purifying and magical qualities of cider to remove negativity from the home. This very old spell might help to cleanse your home of any unwanted energy. In an old saucepan combine one cup of cider, a pinch of clove, a dash of salt, and one rusty nail. Bring the mixture to a boil and simmer a few minutes as you stir it with a cinnamon stick. Visualize all negativity being drawn into this brew. Remove the pan from the heat and let cool. Set the nail aside, but pour the liquid and the cinnamon stick outside away from your home. The earth will neutralize its negativity. Take the nail to a secluded area and bury it as you say:
Nail of rust, dissolve to dust.
My home is now protected
from all harm, and so I end
this charm.
Leave the nail undisturbed.
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