POSTED UNDER Blessing, Earth, Garden, AND MORE

Sunflower Protection

Color of the day:  Ivory
Incense of the day:  Hyssop
August has ripened, and in many gardens you can see those watchful giants, Heliantbus annus, the sunflower. Named after Helios, the Sun god, the sunflower head turns its face from east to west throughout the day, adoring the Sun as it progresses across the sky. Appearing to watch everything, the spiritual energies of the sunflower includes protection, flexibility, faith and good luck. Given as a gift, the sunflower symbolizes the gift of safety and happiness in the hearth and home. Today, look for a sunflower, or be like the sunflower. Turn your face toward the Sun, close your eyes momentarily and soak in the blessings of Helios. As the radiance soaks into you, breathe deeply, absorbing abundance, longevity, and properity. With your face turned toward the Sun, shine like the sunflower, in radiant happiness. Know that you are protected. If you find a sunflower plant today, pick on small mature seed from it, and place it in your pocket, knowing that it will point you in the right direction spiritually, and bless you with protection.
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