Dog Days Spell

Color of the day:  Green
Incense of the day:  Nutmeg
All of us have those times when we feel drained and have little energy to spare. Well, here's a shocking thought . . . honor that feeling! Instead of pushing yourself to accomplish something, take a rest and let yourself "hibernate" for a bit during the hot days of August! You'll need a comfortable place to lie down and stretch out. Place a fan near you so the air will flow over your body as you rest. Drink an 8-ounce glass of water before lying down. Play soothing music, or listen to a meditation tape at a low volume. As you relax, chant this mantra:
Soft summer air, come to me
. . . warm summer waters
cradle me . . . peace and rest
will comfort me . . . refresh
my soul, so mote it be!
You may drift off to sleep, that's quite all right. When you awake, or feel you need to move, get up on you hands and knees and shake yourself like a dog shedding water. Stand up slowly, and drink more water. Take three deep, cleansing breaths and let your body come fully awake. Enjoy the rest of your day.
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