POSTED UNDER Midsummer, Solstice, Summer

Understand Your Dreams

Color of the day:  Gray
Incense of the day:  Basil
Litha -Summer Solstice

What better night to peer into dreams than Midsummer? Understanding dreams takes practice, free association, and divination.
If you find a dream particularly disturbing and you can't quite determine where it came from after looking through journals, try this technique: list the major symbols/characters from your dream. For each item, pull a tarot card or rune. The meaning of the card or rune will give additional insight into your subconscious. If the dream is in any way prophetic, the High Priestess or the Hierophant will appear. If the meaning from the divination is still not clear to you, take the card or rune and place it under your pillow when you go to bed the next night, and hold the image of the rune or card in your mind for as long as you can before drifting off to sleep. Your next dream will reveal further details about the meaning of the troubling dream.
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