POSTED UNDER Bath, Blessing, Cat, AND MORE

The Kallynteria-Day of Sweeping

Color of the day:  White
Incense of the day:  Clove
Perhaps the origin of spring cleaning, this ancient festival marked the time of annual temple purification, changing of the flame, and readornment of the Goddess after a ritual bath in the sea. Priestesses used brooms to sweep out the marble and tile rooms, making ready for the return of Pallas Athena. Offerings of figs were considered especially proper because they were the first cultivated fruit, symbolic of a new beginning in the Goddess' care-a kind of fresh start for everyone.
With this in mind, today is a day to clean your house, take a ritual bath and reassemble your altar. Cleanse your ritual tools, dust out the remnants of old magical work, and make a fresh start with your spiritual practice. Commit, for example, to doing one thing every day that brings you into communion with deity. Finally, anoint your images and implements, blessing them for the year ahead.
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