Personal Power Potion

Color of the day:  Red
Incense of the day:  Bayberry
Glue a small (approx. 4-inch) square of red flannel onto a similarly sized piece of cardboard and let dry. Then, fill a tiny bottle three -quarters full of patchouli essential oil. Add 6 drops of ylang-ylang essential oil, close the lid, and shake. Hold the bottle in both hands and direct positive energy into it through your hands as you repeat this phrase (borrowed from Kundalini Yoga) nine times:

Ong So Hung

Place the bottle in the middle of the flannel square and surround it with a small circle of tiger's eye crystals. The next day, it will be ready to use. When you want to boost your confidence and personal power, lightly anoint your belly, heart, and throat, saying "Ong So Hung" at each point. Return the bottle to the flannel when not in use, and cleanse the crystals with sunlight every couple of weeks to keep their energy fresh.
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About Tess Whitehurst
Tess Whitehurst (Boulder, CO) is an intuitive counselor, energy worker, feng shui consultant, and speaker. She has appeared on the Bravo TV show Flipping Out and her writing has been featured in such places as Writer's Digest, Llewellyn's annuals, and Spirit and Destiny magazine. She is also the ...
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