POSTED UNDER Healing, Passion, Prayer, AND MORE

Vitality Spell

Color of the day:  Gray
Incense of the day:  Pine
Feeling apathetic about life? Melancholy? Uninspired? Draw upon the power of the Sun today for vitality and renewal. Put on some sunblock and find a place outside where you can spend some time in sunlight. Remove as many garments as you feel comfortable and allow the rays of the Sun to kiss your skin. Call to the Sun, visualizing the sun- light around you burning away all that does not serve. Breathe deeply and allow the Sun to fill you with strength, passion, and vitality.
As you breathe say something like:

Fire, Sun, Eternal Star
Power of life and renewal
Burn in me!
Purify me of all distraction.
And fill me with your Light
That I might be passionate
That I might be radiant
That I might be fully alive.
So mote it be.

When you feel full of solar light, allow it to sink into your skin, healing the deepest parts of yourself. Offer a prayer of gratitude for this exchange. The light of life lives within you.
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