Kaleidoscope Perspective Spell

Color of the day:  Blue
Incense of the day:  Sage
When you get stuck while working on a creative project or when interpersonal relations become politically charged and entangled, changing your point of view or breaking the issue into smaller pieces is usually the best way to solve the problem. The next time this hapens, get a kaleidoscope from any place that sells toys. Visualize something that represents your issue as you turn the kaleidoscope. Directing your emotions to the fragments you see, observe how the pattern splits and breaks, but remains beautiful. If you have a kaleidoscope that fragments images telescope-style, point it against something yellow, the color of creativity. Allow the fragmenting to also break apart your feeling into smaller bits-as you do this and after, new approaches will occur to you. As soon as you are done, write down the thoughts that came to you while looking through the kaleidoscope. They will guide you in your problem-solving.
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Link to this spell: http://www.llewellyn.com/spell.php?spell_id=4327