The Courage to Begin

Color of the day:  Red
Incense of the day:  Geranium
It's the first New Moon of the New Year-so much beginning energy that we can hardly stand it!-and it is Tuesday, blessed by the courage and sense of adventure of Mars. Make an oil today to use throughout the year whenever you need the courage to try something new or see something through. You'll need a dark glass bottle with a screw-on lid, like maybe an old vanilla extract bottle (fill with rock salt and water to get the vanilla smell out). Start with 2 tablespoons of olive oil and add 9 drops of oregano essential oil, 9 drops of bay essential oil, and 9 drops of cinnamon essential oil. Store the tightly capped bottle in a dark and cool place, and shake and charge whenever you use it to anoint yourself or something related to your endeavor, like your tennis shoes, school bag, or a special outfit (just don't stain the fabric!).

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