A Gaea Spell

Color of the day:  Gray
Incense of the day:  Ylang-ylang
Islamic New Year

Gaea, the Greek name for Mother Earth, is known as the Deep-breasted One. She is called the oldest of divinities. She is the beginning of all life, all wisdom, all mystery, and our eternal Mother. While the light dwindles, and the darkness stretches across the land, we often retreat indoors to the warmth of home and hearth, and lose touch with our Mother Earth. Renewing our connection to Gaea, even while we dwell indoors, keeps us green-minded and ecological, balanced and well grounded. Stand with your feet apart. Psychically reach down through your socks and the floorboards to pull the balancing energy of the Earth up into your body, saying:
By the earth that is her body, I ground mine.
Now, send your negative thoughts and fears back down into the Earth, quite literally grounding yourself. Through the winter use this spell to invoke Gaea and stay grounded.

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