Offering to Cernunnos

Color of the day:  Purple
Incense of the day:  Nutmeg
Today is sacred to Cernunnos, the Celtic god. Cernunnos is associated with shamanism magic and rebirth. In his darker aspects, he is connected to the mysteries of death and sexuality. He is the wild and untamable force in nature. Make an offering to Cernunnos today. What part of you is wild? What part of you is completely free and untamable? Think about this today. Even in the age of computers and technology, there lives a deep, primal power within each of us. How does it look for you? Journal in your Book of Shadows if you like. Go to your ritual space and meditate on the meaning of freedom and untamability in your life. Breathe deeply and allow your true self to come forth. Listen. What do you vow to do to foster your wild nature? Offer this to Cernunnos today. May your day be blessed.

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