This is the time of year when we start to prepare for the holidays. At the office, at school, or within your local group. Many institutions and community members are looking to help families make it through the coming season. The needs include blood for hospitals, food and clothing for those less fortunate, and Yule presents for those unable to afford them. Others need help with heating bills that eat up families' earnings each week, leaving only money for immediate essentials. It's time to start spreading some of that Pagan holiday spirit we are so fond of reminding everyone we have. Many Pagan communities pool together to help their own or to help the greater community depending on need.
It is time to put back into your community the love that the Goddess is famous for. It starts with you-share some.
With a spell for each day of the year, this almanac makes it easy to explore new magical endeavors.
Regardless of your interests or skill level, this spell-packed annual offers something for every...