POSTED UNDER Love, Prosperity, Rain, AND MORE

Spell for Transformation

Color of the day:  Blue
Incense of the day:  Sage
It is traditional to bake man-shaped breads with the first harvest of grain on this date. The loaf-man symbolizes the transformation from the Green Man into John Barleycorn, the harvest sacrifice. Begin with the desire to transform some part of your life that you're less than happy with. Transform the problem area into an affirmation, a present-tense, one sentence, positive statement of the outcome you desire. Now light a new orange candle and gather ingredients to make your favorite bread recipe. If you've never tried making bread before, you may wish to buy frozen bread dough from your market. Incorporate ingredients with magical properties into the bread dough before you shape it. Some suggestions would be almonds for well-being, allspice for health, anise or apple for love, vanilla for power, and cinnamon for prosperity. Spend fifteen minutes every night before sleep saying your affirmation.

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