Embracing Your Shadow Exercise

Color of the day:  Amber
Incense of the day:  Almond
Witches are adept at embracing their shadow. They innately understand there is no division in our human nature. We are complex and yet divine in our whole being. Part of our soul's journey is to no longer deny those aspects of ourselves that we label negative. As an artful exercise to encourage and integrate your shadow self, spread on the floor a roll of paper large enough for you to lie upon. You will need a friend to assist you. Lying on your back, have your partner trace the outline of your silhouette with a black marker. Stand up and then draw a vertical line down the center of your shadow body. Choose crayons, pastels, or colored markers and, working through the seven chakras, draw some aspect of yourself that is hidden or unacknowledged on the left side and then a complementary or balancing quality that you own on the right-hand side. Create a rainbow-bridge phrase or affirmation to connect these two polarities bringing them into harmony, creating unity and embracing your shadow.

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