POSTED UNDER Friends, Garden, Love, AND MORE

Old Midsummer’s Day

Color of the day:  Purple
Incense of the day:  Apricot
In the British Isles, this day was celebrated as Midsummer's Day. Not to be confused with the astrological date of the Summer Solstice, this day also has quite a bit of legend and lore surrounding it. This is a classic time to work with the faeries. Here is a spell designed to both celebrate and work with the faeries in your garden. Before you begin, take a moment to plant some pretty flowers in the garden, just for the faeries. (Keep in mind that fragrant blossoms are well loved by the Fey.) Then leave a small tumbled stone for them as a sign of your intentions. Now repeat the spell.
June twenty-fourth is the old Midsummer's Day,
Faeries gather around and hear me, I pray.
Bless my life and garden with your loving energy,
No tricks, just joy, and a friendship between you and me.

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