Minerva Honored Today

Color of the day:  Lavender
Incense of the day:  Clary sage
Flag Day

Ovid described Minerva as "the goddess of a thousand works." Patroness of the arts, she is said to have invented music. Her name translated means "mind" and she is called upon for any creative or intellectual endeavor. For this spell, prepare an altar with yellow cloth, candles, and flowers. Place at the center of your altar the tools of your artistic medium and a cauldron. You're going to burn an offering to the goddess, so be sure your cauldron is situated such that you're able to contain the fire. Now write on a sheet of paper your artistic or creative wish. Fold it such that you can place it in the cauldron. Light your candles and center. When you feel focused, light the paper with your wish and sprinkle the herbs, mustard, caraway, and rosemary over the fire. Focus on your wish and watch it rise on the smoke to the heavens. Thank Minerva as if your wish had already been granted.

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Link to this spell: http://www.llewellyn.com/spell.php?spell_id=4115