POSTED UNDER Love, Money, Prayer

Lakshmi Money Spell

Color of the day:  Yellow
Incense of the day:  Juniper
In the Hindu tradition, Lakshmi is the epitome of love, abundance, and beauty. One of the treasures brought forth by the churning of the cosmic ocean, she brought forth amrita, the nectar of immortality that renewed the universe. Call upon the power of this goddess today to bring you financial abundance. This spell can work with a candle or a twelve-inch green cord. Whichever you choose to use, hold it in your hands and cleanse it with your breath. Burn some incense and create an altar space with an image of Lakshmi. Ground and center and invite Lakshmi to join your ritual space. Spend some time in prayer with Lakshmi before doing this working and allow yourself to receive the abundance you need.
One, two, three, money come to me,
Four, five, six, Lakshmi come to fix,
Seven, eight, nine, money now is mine.

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